This page is updated when new versions are rolled out, and when suggestions are sent in to us.
Updates in 0.3
Guests without an account can now read posts.
LokiTalk is now available in English, Swedish, German, French and Spanish. The German, French and Spanish
versions are machine translated at the moment. Please have patience as we proof read them in the near future.
Updates in 0.2
Can now select between bright, dark and blue style in the settings. Can also adjust the text size.
Updates in 0.1
The first public version.
Reported issues we are working on.
- Links are not clickable in the note function on a user profile page.
- The "Adjust" function is only available after an argument post has been created. It should also be
available as the argument is written.
Future Updates
This that we are working on for the upcoming versions of LokiTalk.
- Better help document with illustrating images.
- Public view of the admin log. Let anyone see the list of things that gets censored due to TOS
violations. This will increase transparency and trust in LokiTalk.
- Drafts, Scheduled posting, Regret. Ability to write and save drafts. Ability to schedule those
drafts to be published a specific date, and also to cancel that date. Use this functionality to also
enable a 5 min "regret" mode: When enabled in the settings, all new posts automatically become scheduled
posts with the date set to 5 minutes later. The user has 5 minutes to cancel the post if he wants to.
- User labels/groups. Ability for you to put a label on other users, for example "friend" or
"colleague", and then list the users according to your labels.
- Simple markup. Ability to put stars and underlines around words to make them bold, italic, etc,
similar to the functionality on Stackoverflow.com.
- Sound notifications. Enable your phone to give off a sound when you get a notification.
- Visualize author likes of replies. Ability to see when the author of a post has liked a reply to
it. Compare with likes on YouTube.
- Post flair. Ability to mark your post to change its appearance. For example "Graphic" (blurs the
content), "Spoiler" (blackens out the text), "Chistmas" (festive frame around the post).
- Multiple language support.
- Rewrite argument. Makes a copy of an argument, to let you write a better version of the argument
or write the opposite argument. Also reuses the best replies to the argument.
- Flattened replies. Skips the tree structure that post replies normally have and instead lists all
replies as a flat list. Alternatively picks two users, and shows their back-and-forth as a flat list.
- Search replies. Searches among the replies to a post only.
- Argument map diagrams. Shows the pro/con sides of arguments as a diagram in multiple steps,
similar to Kialo.com.
- Follow argument thread. Also enable the "Follow thread" function for arguments and references.
- Autofill of hashtags and mentions. Suggest existing hashtags and mentions as you type when
writing a new post.
- Hall of fame. Spcial page where the most outstanding users are listed. One of the ways to promote
people to write more argument posts.
- Better search. Use AI for post searches for more accurate results.
- Evaluation Guide. An alternate way to make up your mind about an argument. You start it from the
post menu of an argument, and it is shown as a dialog that walks you through each pro/con argument step
by step, and lets you select True, False or Undecided, and also grade how strong the argument is (Weak,
Fair, Strong). Then at the end summarizes your choices so you can see which way you lean. Undecided
arguments could optionally be traversed the same way before presenting the final summary. This could
make complex arguments easier to evaluate.
- Open Graph support. Enables any link to an external website to automatically show an image of
what it links to.
- Sticky opened posts. If enabled in the settings, then when you look at a long thread with many
posts, one post will stay "sticky" at the top of the screen, not affected by scrolling. It will be the
main post that the posts on screen are replying to, so that it is easier to follow along in the
conversation. This will take up additional screen space, and is intended for computers, not phones.
- Hover a user for quick info. Show quick information about a user when you hover your mouse
pointer over his profile image.
- Polls. Posts can be polls, where you invite other users to select between options. This is later
presented as bars or a pie chart.
- Map an RSS feed to an accout. The ability to automatically publish articles from an RSS feed as
posts of a specific account.
- Revisit suggestions. If enabled in the settings, LokiTalk suggests to a user to reevaluate an
argument when the pro/con side replies have changed significantly from when he voted on it.
Ideas that we are thinking about.
- Simplified usefulness votes. Currently you vote with the up and down arrows to say that an
argument is useful (up) or misplaced (down). Perhaps a single choice just how a Like works is good
enough. You either press the up arrow or leave it as is.
- AI powered influencer accounts. Using AI to analyze all new posts and automatically mute them if
they fall into certain categories (profanity, political alignment, etc). Users can then follow such
accounts to automatically mute content they don't want to see.